We are strengthening our existing assets through our own development of hotels, serviced and luxury apartments properties. This give us the opportunity to benefit from the growth of the real estate markets in Central-and Eastern Europe along the entire value chain.
We are focusing on ecological sustainability without losing sight of the economic aspects of our projects. With every project we ask ourselves: how do you plan and build today for the next 30 years? Finding creative and good solutions to this question is a core concern of our team. Our projects are checked for environmental compatibility and ecological aspects through the involvement of professionally recognized partners. Our project development experience and know-how is of great importance for the creation of sustainable value.
We develop our projects from the first idea to the opening or handover of the property to final investor.

We are permanently analyzing our core markets. Buying and selling real estate enables us to act quickly and flexibly in our regions. For this sensitive business area we can fall back on many years of experience and local knowledge! DVF ESTATE is able to increase and stabilize the value of the real estate through far-reaching measures. We concentrate on individual solutions that enable us and our customers to secure future-oriented value. We are strengthening our portfolio through acquisitions in new Real estates.
DVF ESTATE owns and establishes subsidiaries in Austria, Germany and Italy
DVF ESTATE is a leading specialist in developing sophisticated properties. We create new value.

For real estate that DVF ESTATE keeps in its portfolio for the long term, we organize the preservation and increase the value of our real estate through targeted rental management and investments in the portfolio. Our experienced on-site team and partner companies ensure that the things runs smoothly.
DVF ESTATE bases its business model on several pillars, providing expertise and innovation for operators in the hotel and real estate sector.